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lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2019

Requieres Apoyo Coaching On Line Sobre SOx para Mantenimiento

Eres Director de Planta de empresa que se rige por la Ley SOx y en cercano tiempo tendrás una Auditoría Externa. Te Ofrecemos Coaching ON Line y Apoyo Profesional incluido elaboración de Manuales de Procedimientos y Políticas de Operación Work Flow  para que puedas alinear tu función de Mantenimiento de la Planta con la Ley SOx.

  • Tu fijas los Objetivos y el Alcance
  • No gastas en Honorarios de Consultores Residentes
  • El costo de un Consultor On lIne es mas Económico
  • No gasta en Hospedajes ni alimentación ni comunicación
  • Es la misma calidad que si tuvieras al Consultor en persona
  • Contaras con un horario más flexible para atender tus asuntos de trabajo
  • Se establece reuniones a través de Skype
  • Los entregables de ajustan a formato PDF y Word
  • No mas reuniones infructuosas porque no llego el personal

Consúltanos ponte en contacto inmediato a través de twiter @deleon49 .Somos Altamente Competitivos en las áreas de experiencia Administración del Mantenimiento Industrial y Gestión de Activos

Who we are

A small consulting firm focused on improving the operational performance of enterprises and optimizing their administrative processes of maintenance.

We specialize on productivity improvements by providing consulting maintenance management services geared towards achieving quantifiable results and implementing solutions aligned to customers’ business strategy

Founded in Mexico City in March of 1990, the mission continues to drive process improvements related to asset management including the laws, Standards, strategies, rules and techniques around them.
We partner with other local firms to complement our skills and appropriately respond to the growing demand in Industrial Engineering in  Mexico.

Our Approach

Our strong professional reputation is driven by delivering practical and achievable solutions that perfectly:
  • Adhere to the specific needs and characteristics of our clients.
  • Achieve a high Return On Investment

Solutions focused on your CMMS .

Target Customers
Industries and Technological Universities in Mexico
46+ years on different areas of maintenance including:
  • Mechanical, electrical, electronics, energy and environmental pollution.
  • Alignment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Sections 404 and 302.
  • Support control audits.
  • Implementation of high performance purpose computer systems and world class maintenance areas CMMS / EAM such as:
  • MIMS / Ellipse,  Maximo, Mainsaver, MP etc.
  • Complying with regulations such as  ISO 9000, 55000 ,FDA etc.

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